Package vmm.spacecurve.parametric

Class Summary
ConstantCurvature Defines a space curve of constant curvature kappa by integrating the Frenet equations with kappa=aa and a torsion function tau(t) = bb + cc*sin(t) + dd*sin(2t) + ee*sin(3t).
ConstantTorsion Defines a space curve of constant curvature kappa by integrating the Frenet equations with kappa=aa and a torsion function tau(t) = bb + cc*sin(t) + dd*sin(2t) + ee*sin(3t).
Helix Defines an elliptical helix with axis along the y-axis.
Loxodrome Defines the Loxodrome curve parametrically.
RepereMobileDecoration A decoration that appears as a three perpendicular line segments at a point on the curve, representing the tangent, normal, and binormal vectors at that point.
SpaceCurveParametric A space curve that is defined by parametric equations, giving points of the form (x(t),y(t),z(t)).
SpaceCurveParametric.SpaceCurveParametricViewAsTube Defines a tube view of a SpaceCurveParametric.
SphericalCurve A curve that lies on the surface of a sphere.
SphericalCycloid Defines a rolling curve on the unit sphere
TorusKnot Defines a torus knot -- a curve that wraps around the surface of a torus.
UserSpaceCurveKappaTau Defines a space curve from three functions that give the coordinates of points on the curve as functions of t, where the data is input by the user.
UserSpaceCurveParametric Defines a space curve from three functions that give the coordinates of points on the curve as functions of t, where the data is input by the user.
Viviani Defines the Viviani curve parametrically, the intersection of a sphere and a cylinder that touches the sphere.