Class CostaHoffmanMeeks

  extended by vmm.core.Exhibit
      extended by vmm.core3D.Exhibit3D
          extended by vmm.surface.Surface
              extended by vmm.surface.parametric.SurfaceParametric
                  extended by vmm.surface.parametric.WeierstrassMinimalSurface
                      extended by vmm.surface.parametric.CostaHoffmanMeeks
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.EventListener, javax.swing.event.ChangeListener, Decorateable, Parameterizable

public class CostaHoffmanMeeks
extends WeierstrassMinimalSurface

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class vmm.surface.parametric.WeierstrassMinimalSurface
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class vmm.surface.parametric.WeierstrassMinimalSurface
afp, AFP, canShowConjugateSurface, del, distFrom0, du, dv, flag0, flag05, halfPeriod, helperArray, I__C, I_C, I1_C, I2_C, I3_C, I4_C, iBeginMiddleInHelper, iFirstInHelper, inAssociateMorph, IP__C, IP_C, LRPclosed, multipleCopyOptions, needsPeriodClosed, needsValueArray, ONE__C, ONE_C, ucount, vcount, wantsToSeeDomain, wantsToSeeGaussImage, ZERO_C
Fields inherited from class vmm.surface.parametric.SurfaceParametric
Fields inherited from class vmm.surface.Surface
data, uPatchCount, vPatchCount
Fields inherited from class vmm.core3D.Exhibit3D
defaultViewpoint, defaultViewUp, previousTransform3D
Fields inherited from class vmm.core.Exhibit
decorations, exhibitNeedsRedraw, isMorphing, morphingView, parameters, previousTransform
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  double closingLopezRos()
          This surface needs that the Lopez-Ros parameter is adjusted to close the period.
protected  void createData()
          Overrides createData from SurfaceParametric with the goal of recomputing all constants that go into the Weierstrass Data, and then do the helperArray.
protected  void doClosingJob()
          Dummy function.
protected  Complex domainGrid(double u, double v)
          Override the default Cartesian Grid.
protected  Complex gauss(Complex z)
          The following two functions are the Weierstrass data that define this surface.
protected  ComplexVector3D getCenter()
          We want to center the surface already at the helper Level.
 View getDefaultView()
          Returns a default view of this exhibit, a View of type SurfaceView.
protected  Complex hPrime(Complex z)
protected  void p_Index()
          Last index of grid point before symmetry line switches to straight line.
 void parameterChanged(Parameter param, java.lang.Object oldValue, java.lang.Object newValue)
          This method will be called automatically when a parameter that has been added to this Exhibit is changed.
protected  void redoConstants()
          redoConstants is called in super.createData before any other computations start.
 Vector3D surfacePoint(double u, double v)
          Override surfacePoint to close the hole around the center saddle.
Methods inherited from class vmm.surface.parametric.WeierstrassMinimalSurface
ComplexVectorFunction, ComplexVectorIntegrator, ComplexVectorOneStepIntegrator, component3, computeHalfPeriod, createHelperArray, gaussInverseTimesHPrime, gaussTimesHPrime, getAdditionalAnimationsForView, getNumberOfPieces, helperToMinimal, intersectLines, minimalToHelper, monotonPow, setNumberOfPieces, surfaceNormal
Methods inherited from class vmm.surface.parametric.SurfaceParametric
addExtraXML, deriv_u, deriv_v, gaussMap, getActionsForView, readExtraXML, removeView
Methods inherited from class vmm.surface.Surface
computeDrawData3D, doDraw3D, getBuildAnimation, getDefaultOrientation, setDefaultOrientation
Methods inherited from class vmm.core3D.Exhibit3D
computeDrawDataHook, doDrawHook, getDefaultTransform, getDefaultViewpoint, getDefaultViewUp, setDefaultViewpoint, setDefaultViewUp
Methods inherited from class vmm.core.Exhibit
addChangeListener, addDecoration, addParameter, addView, clearDecorations, computeDrawData, doDraw, fireExhibitChangeEvent, forceRedraw, getAlternativeViews, getCreateAnimation, getDecorations, getDefaultBackground, getDefaultForeground, getDefaultWindow, getFramesForMorphing, getMorphingAnimation, getName, getParameterByName, getParameters, getSettingsCommandsForView, getTitle, getUseFilmstripForMorphing, getViews, removeChangeListener, removeDecoration, removeParameter, render, setDefaultBackground, setDefaultForeground, setDefaultWindow, setDefaultWindow, setFramesForMorphing, setName, setUseFilmstripForMorphing, stateChanged
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CostaHoffmanMeeks()
Method Detail


public View getDefaultView()
Description copied from class: Surface
Returns a default view of this exhibit, a View of type SurfaceView. (Note: If a Surface is displayed in a plain View3D, it will always appear as a wireframe.)

getDefaultView in class WeierstrassMinimalSurface


public void parameterChanged(Parameter param,
                             java.lang.Object oldValue,
                             java.lang.Object newValue)
Description copied from class: Exhibit
This method will be called automatically when a parameter that has been added to this Exhibit is changed. It should not ordinarily be called directly. Note that in fact, this method simply calls forceRedraw. This method is defined in the <@link Parameterizable} interface.

Specified by:
parameterChanged in interface Parameterizable
parameterChanged in class WeierstrassMinimalSurface
param - The Parmeter whose value has been set.
oldValue - The previous value of the parameter.
newValue - The new, current value of the parameter. This is not necessarily guaranteed to be different from the old value (although it is for parameters definedin the VMM core).
See Also:


protected void createData()
Description copied from class: WeierstrassMinimalSurface
Overrides createData from SurfaceParametric with the goal of recomputing all constants that go into the Weierstrass Data, and then do the helperArray. The recomputation should be done before super.createData() is called.

createData in class WeierstrassMinimalSurface


protected Complex domainGrid(double u,
                             double v)
Override the default Cartesian Grid. It is critical that the domain grid is adapted to the minimal surface.

domainGrid in class WeierstrassMinimalSurface


protected void p_Index()
Last index of grid point before symmetry line switches to straight line.


protected Complex gauss(Complex z)
The following two functions are the Weierstrass data that define this surface. It is best shown on the above domainGrid.

Specified by:
gauss in class WeierstrassMinimalSurface


protected Complex hPrime(Complex z)
Specified by:
hPrime in class WeierstrassMinimalSurface


protected double closingLopezRos()
This surface needs that the Lopez-Ros parameter is adjusted to close the period. The default morph illustrates non-closed periods.


protected void doClosingJob()
Description copied from class: WeierstrassMinimalSurface
Dummy function. Needs to be specified if (needsPeriodClosing) is ever TRUE

doClosingJob in class WeierstrassMinimalSurface


protected void redoConstants()
redoConstants is called in super.createData before any other computations start.

redoConstants in class WeierstrassMinimalSurface


protected ComplexVector3D getCenter()
We want to center the surface already at the helper Level. We cannot use the symmetry lines of the surface and therefore need to integrate towards the image of P.

getCenter in class WeierstrassMinimalSurface


public Vector3D surfacePoint(double u,
                             double v)
Override surfacePoint to close the hole around the center saddle.

surfacePoint in class WeierstrassMinimalSurface