Class ComplexVariableParamAnimateable

  extended by vmm.core.Parameter
      extended by vmm.core.ComplexParam
          extended by vmm.core.ComplexVariableParam
              extended by vmm.core.ComplexVariableParamAnimateable
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ComplexVariableParamAnimateable
extends ComplexVariableParam
implements Animateable

A parameter that has an associated ComplexVariable that shares its value. The parameter hasvalue and a start and end value, all of type Complex, to be used for animation.

Constructor Summary
          Creates a ComplexVariableParamAnimateable that initially has no name and has value and default value equal to 0, with animation limits also equal to 0.
ComplexVariableParamAnimateable(java.lang.String name, Complex value)
          Create a ComplexVariableParamAnimateable with a specified name and initial value and with animation start and end values equal to the same value
ComplexVariableParamAnimateable(java.lang.String name, Complex value, Complex start, Complex end)
          Create a ComplexVariableParamAnimateable with a specified name, initial value, and start and end values.
ComplexVariableParamAnimateable(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String valueAsString)
          Create a ComplexVariableParamAnimateable with a specified name and initial value and with animation start and end values equal to the same value.
ComplexVariableParamAnimateable(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String valueAsString, java.lang.String startString, java.lang.String endString)
          Create a ComplexVariableParamAnimateable with a specified name, initial value, and start and end values.
Method Summary
 Complex getAnimationEnd()
 java.lang.String getAnimationEndAsString()
          Returns a string representation of the end value for the animation.
 Complex getAnimationStart()
 java.lang.String getAnimationStartAsString()
          Returns a string representation of the start value for the animation.
 Complex getDefaultAnimationEnd()
 java.lang.String getDefaultAnimationEndAsString()
          Returns a string representation of the default end value for the animation.
 Complex getDefaultAnimationStart()
 java.lang.String getDefaultAnimationStartAsString()
          Returns a string representation of the default start value for the animation.
 boolean reallyAnimated()
          Check whether this Animateable will really change during an animation.
 void reset(Complex value)
          Sets both the default value and the value of this parameter to the specified complex number.
 void reset(Complex value, Complex animationStart, Complex animationEnd)
          Sets both the value and default value of the parameter, as well as the value and default value of the animation start and end properties.
 void reset(java.lang.String valueAsString)
          Set both the value and the default value of the parameter to the value encoded in the given string, as if that string had been passed to the constructor.
 void reset(java.lang.String valueAsString, java.lang.String animationStartAsString, java.lang.String animationEndAsString)
          Sets both the value and default value of the parameter, as well as the value and default value of the animation start and end properties.
 void setAnimationEnd(Complex x)
 void setAnimationEndFromString(java.lang.String endVal)
          Set the ending Animation value for this Animateable object from a string.
 void setAnimationLimits(Complex start, Complex end)
 void setAnimationLimitsAndDefaults(Complex start, Complex end)
 void setAnimationStart(Complex x)
 void setAnimationStartFromString(java.lang.String startVal)
          Set the starting Animation value for this Animateable object from a string.
 void setDefaultAnimationEndFromString(java.lang.String endString)
          Sets the default ending animation value for this Animateable object from a string representation of the value.
 void setDefaultAnimationLimits(Complex defaultStart, Complex defaultEnd)
 void setDefaultAnimationStartFromString(java.lang.String startString)
          Sets the default start animation value for this Animateable object from a string representation of the value.
 void setFractionComplete(double fractionComplete)
          Called during the course of a morphing animation so that the Animateable object can adjust itself to the current stage of the animation.
Methods inherited from class vmm.core.ComplexVariableParam
getValueObject, getVariable, setName, setValueObject
Methods inherited from class vmm.core.ComplexParam
getDefaultValue, getMaximumValueForInput, getMinimumValueForInput, getValue, setDefaultValue, setMaximumValueForInput, setMinimumValueForInput, setValue, setValueAndDefault, stringToValueObject, valueObjectToString
Methods inherited from class vmm.core.Parameter
createParameterInput, getDefaultValueAsString, getDefaultValueObject, getHint, getName, getOwner, getTitle, getValueAsString, reset, setDefaultValueFromString, setDefaultValueObject, setOwner, setValueAndDefaultFromString, setValueFromString, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ComplexVariableParamAnimateable()
Creates a ComplexVariableParamAnimateable that initially has no name and has value and default value equal to 0, with animation limits also equal to 0.


public ComplexVariableParamAnimateable(java.lang.String name,
                                       Complex value)
Create a ComplexVariableParamAnimateable with a specified name and initial value and with animation start and end values equal to the same value

name - The name of the Parameter, which can be null but ordinarily should not be. This name is also used for the associated ComplexVariable.
value - The initial value of the parameter. This also becomes its default value. A null value is treated as zero.


public ComplexVariableParamAnimateable(java.lang.String name,
                                       Complex value,
                                       Complex start,
                                       Complex end)
Create a ComplexVariableParamAnimateable with a specified name, initial value, and start and end values.

name - The name of the Parameter, which can be null but ordinarily should not be. The name is also used for the associated variable.
value - The initial value of the parameter. This also becomes its default value. A null value is treated as zero.
start - the animation start value for this parameter. A null value is treated as zero.
end - the animation end value for this parameter. A null value is treated as zero.


public ComplexVariableParamAnimateable(java.lang.String name,
                                       java.lang.String valueAsString)
Create a ComplexVariableParamAnimateable with a specified name and initial value and with animation start and end values equal to the same value.

name - The name of the Parameter, which can be null but ordinarily should not be. The name is also used for the associated variable.
valueAsString - The initial value of the parameter, given as a string. An error of type NumberFormatException occurs if this string does not represent a legal value.


public ComplexVariableParamAnimateable(java.lang.String name,
                                       java.lang.String valueAsString,
                                       java.lang.String startString,
                                       java.lang.String endString)
Create a ComplexVariableParamAnimateable with a specified name, initial value, and start and end values. The values are specified as strings.

name - The name of the Parameter, which can be null but ordinarily should not be. The name shoud identify the Parameter uniquely among parameters associated with a given Parameterizeable object.
valueAsString - The initial value of the parameter, given as a string. An error of type NumberFormatException occurs if this string does not represent a legal value.
startString - the animation start value given as a string. A NumberFormatError can occur, if this is not a legal value.
endString - the animation end value given as a string. A NumberFormatError can occur, if this is not a legal value.
Method Detail


public void reset(Complex value)
Sets both the default value and the value of this parameter to the specified complex number. In addition the values and default values for the animation start and end properities are also set to the same value. This is primarily meant to be called in the constructor of an Exhibit when it wants to change the value of a parameter that is inherited from a superclass.

reset in class ComplexParam
value - the new value and default value. A null value is treated as zero.
See Also:


public void reset(Complex value,
                  Complex animationStart,
                  Complex animationEnd)
Sets both the value and default value of the parameter, as well as the value and default value of the animation start and end properties.


public void reset(java.lang.String valueAsString)
Set both the value and the default value of the parameter to the value encoded in the given string, as if that string had been passed to the constructor. In addition the values and default values for the animation start and end properities are also set to the same value. This is primarily meant to be called in the constructor of an Exhibit when it wants to change the value of a parameter that is inherited from a superclass.

reset in class Parameter
See Also:


public void reset(java.lang.String valueAsString,
                  java.lang.String animationStartAsString,
                  java.lang.String animationEndAsString)
Sets both the value and default value of the parameter, as well as the value and default value of the animation start and end properties.


public Complex getDefaultAnimationStart()


public Complex getDefaultAnimationEnd()


public void setDefaultAnimationLimits(Complex defaultStart,
                                      Complex defaultEnd)


public java.lang.String getDefaultAnimationStartAsString()
Description copied from interface: Animateable
Returns a string representation of the default start value for the animation.

Specified by:
getDefaultAnimationStartAsString in interface Animateable


public java.lang.String getDefaultAnimationEndAsString()
Description copied from interface: Animateable
Returns a string representation of the default end value for the animation.

Specified by:
getDefaultAnimationEndAsString in interface Animateable


public void setDefaultAnimationStartFromString(java.lang.String startString)
Description copied from interface: Animateable
Sets the default start animation value for this Animateable object from a string representation of the value. The default values are used, for example, when the user clicks the "Defaults" button in AnimationLimitsDialog.

Specified by:
setDefaultAnimationStartFromString in interface Animateable
startString - The default start value, as a string. This string will be parsed as a constant expression, and a NumberFormatException will be thrown if the string is not a legal expression.


public void setDefaultAnimationEndFromString(java.lang.String endString)
Description copied from interface: Animateable
Sets the default ending animation value for this Animateable object from a string representation of the value. The default values are used, for example, when the user clicks the "Defaults" button in AnimationLimitsDialog.

Specified by:
setDefaultAnimationEndFromString in interface Animateable
endString - The default end value, as a string. This string will be parsed as a constant expression, and a NumberFormatException will be thrown if the string is not a legal expression.


public void setAnimationLimits(Complex start,
                               Complex end)


public void setAnimationLimitsAndDefaults(Complex start,
                                          Complex end)


public void setAnimationStart(Complex x)


public void setAnimationEnd(Complex x)


public Complex getAnimationStart()


public Complex getAnimationEnd()


public void setAnimationStartFromString(java.lang.String startVal)
Description copied from interface: Animateable
Set the starting Animation value for this Animateable object from a string. This method will probably only be used by Dialog boxes such as AnimationLimitsDialog.

Specified by:
setAnimationStartFromString in interface Animateable
startVal - The start value, as a string. This string will be parsed as a constant expression, and a NumberFormatException will be thrown if the string is not a legal expression.


public void setAnimationEndFromString(java.lang.String endVal)
Description copied from interface: Animateable
Set the ending Animation value for this Animateable object from a string.

Specified by:
setAnimationEndFromString in interface Animateable
endVal - The end value, as a string. This string will be parsed as a constant expression, and a NumberFormatException will be thrown if the string is not a legal expression.


public java.lang.String getAnimationStartAsString()
Description copied from interface: Animateable
Returns a string representation of the start value for the animation.

Specified by:
getAnimationStartAsString in interface Animateable


public java.lang.String getAnimationEndAsString()
Description copied from interface: Animateable
Returns a string representation of the end value for the animation.

Specified by:
getAnimationEndAsString in interface Animateable


public void setFractionComplete(double fractionComplete)
Description copied from interface: Animateable
Called during the course of a morphing animation so that the Animateable object can adjust itself to the current stage of the animation. In fact, an Animateable Parameter could set its value to "startValue + fractionComplete * (endValue - startValue)" when this metod is called.

Specified by:
setFractionComplete in interface Animateable
fractionComplete - A number in the range 0 to 1 that tells what stage the animation is at. The Animateable object adjusts itself accordingly.
See Also:


public boolean reallyAnimated()
Description copied from interface: Animateable
Check whether this Animateable will really change during an animation. (If the start and end values are the same, then the return value will presumably be false.)

Specified by:
reallyAnimated in interface Animateable