public abstract class Decoration
Decorations are extra visual components that can be added to an Exhibit, such as a set of axes or a solution curve of an ODE. Decorations can be added either to Views or directly to Exhibits -- a decoration that is added to a View is visible only in that View. A decoration that is added to an Exhibit is visible in all Views of that Exhibit.
When a Decoration is added to an Exhibit or View, that object will listen for ChangeEvents from the Decoration. These events will produce the necessary redrawing. The listening is set up automatically when the Decoration is added.
This is an abstract class, even though it has no abstract methods. Subclasses
will probably override the doDraw
method and possibly the computeDrawData
However, subclasses might also provide some other method for drawing the decoration.
Note that to work correctly with the XML save/restore facility defined in SaveAndRestore
a subclass of Decoration must have a parameterless constructor, and it must be an independent class or
a public nested class.
However, decorations are not saved by default, so this is not a consideration for all subclasses.
Field Summary | |
protected boolean |
This variable is set to true when the Decoration's fireDecorationChangeEvent
method is called. |
Constructor Summary | |
Method Summary | |
void |
addChangeListener(javax.swing.event.ChangeListener listener)
Change events are sent when the decoration needs to be redrawn. |
void |
addExtraXML(org.w3c.dom.Document containingDocument,
org.w3c.dom.Element decorationElement)
This method is called when an XML representation of this decoration is being created by the SaveAndRestore class to give the decoration a chance to add any
extra inforamtion that is necesary to restore the state of the decoration. |
void |
computeDrawData(View view,
boolean exhibitNeedsRedraw,
Transform previousTransform,
Transform newTransform)
This method is called by the render method in the Exhibit class before it calls
this Decoration's doDraw method, in order to give the Decoration
a chance to recalculate any cached data that it needs in order to draw itself. |
void |
doDraw(java.awt.Graphics2D g,
View view,
Transform transform)
This method is called by the render method of the Exhbit class to draw the Decoration. |
protected void |
This method should be called whenever the decoration changes and needs to be redrawn. |
void |
Causes this decoration to be recomputed and redrawn. |
int |
Return the layer number for this decoration. |
void |
readExtraXML(org.w3c.dom.Element decoratinInfo)
This method is called when this decoration is being reconstructed from an XML representation by the SaveAndRestore class. |
void |
removeChangeListener(javax.swing.event.ChangeListener listener)
Change events are sent when the decoration needs to be redrawn. |
void |
setLayer(int layer)
Set the layer in which this decoration is drawn. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
protected boolean decorationNeedsRedraw
method is called. It can be used in the computeDrawData
method by Decoration
subclasses that cache data, to decide whether or not to recompute that data.
Constructor Detail |
public Decoration()
Method Detail |
public int getLayer()
The default value for the layer is 1, which puts it on top of the Exhibit.
public void setLayer(int layer)
public void forceRedraw()
public void computeDrawData(View view, boolean exhibitNeedsRedraw, Transform previousTransform, Transform newTransform)
method in the Exhibit class before it calls
this Decoration's doDraw
method, in order to give the Decoration
a chance to recalculate any cached data that it needs in order to draw itself.
(Note that subclasses of the View and Exhibit class are not necessarily required to
follow this pattern.) Not all Decorations will need to "cache"
computed data in this way. Decorations that do not cache data do not have to override this method.
The method in this top-level exhibit class does nothing.
In general, a Decoration should check its decorationNeedsRedraw
variable and
also check the exhibitNeedsRedraw
parameter. It should recompute cached
data if either of these is true. A decoration might also need to compute data if
the Transform has changed, if it has cached any data that depends on the Transform.
- The View that is drawing the Exhibit; this object contains other
information that might be of use, such as the Display where the Exhibit is drawn
and the the Exhibit that is being drawn.exhibitNeedsRedraw
- This parameter is set to "true" when the Exhibit changes.
If it is true, then presumably the appearance of the Exhibit has
changed, so any cached data for this decoration should probably be recomputed.previousTransform
- The Transform object that was used the last time the Exhibit was
drawn. This can be null if the Exhibit is being drawn for the first time.newTransform
- The Transform object that is being used for this drawing of the Exhibit.
Transform objects contain data about the window in the xy-plane where the Exhibit is
being drawn and about the pixel coordinates on the drawing area.
The two Transform objects are provided just in case any cached data depends on the xy-window
or on the pixel coordinates.Exhibit.render(Graphics2D, View, Transform, ArrayList)
doDraw(Graphics2D, View, Transform)
public void doDraw(java.awt.Graphics2D g, View view, Transform transform)
method of the Exhbit class to draw the Decoration.
The computeDrawData
method is called by render
before it calls this method, so any cached
data should be valid by the time this method is called. (Note that subclasses of View and
Exhibit are not necessarily required to follow this pattern.)
The method in this class does nothing. Subclasses will ordinarily override this method to draw the Decoration.
- The graphics context where the Exhibit and its decorations are being drawn.view
- The View that is drawing the Exhibit; this object contains other
information that might be of use, such as the Display, if any, associated with
the View, and the the actual Exhibit that is being drawn.transform
- Contains information about the rectangular area in the
xy-plane that is being drawn and about the rectangle of pixels in the graphics
context where it is drawn. Note that at least for the top-level View class,
transform.getX() and transform.getY() can be assumed to be zero.Exhibit.render(Graphics2D, View, Transform, ArrayList)
computeDrawData(View, boolean, Transform, Transform)
public void addChangeListener(javax.swing.event.ChangeListener listener)
public void removeChangeListener(javax.swing.event.ChangeListener listener)
protected void fireDecorationChangeEvent()
, and will not generally be
called directly.
The change event will be propagagted to any Views where the Decoration is
displayed, causing them to be redrawn.
public void addExtraXML(org.w3c.dom.Document containingDocument, org.w3c.dom.Element decorationElement)
class to give the decoration a chance to add any
extra inforamtion that is necesary to restore the state of the decoration.
Note that variables that are marked with VMMSave
are saved
and restored automatically.
The method in this top-level Decoration class does nothing.
When a subclass overrides this method, it should ordinarily start by calling super.addExtraXML(containingDocument,decorationElement) to make sure that information from the superclass is saved.
- The overall XML document that contains the decoration Element that is being created.
This parameter is necessary because it is needed to create any nested sub-elements that are to be added
to the decoration element.decorationElement
- The XML element that is being constructed. This element already exists; the
purpose of this method to add any extra information that would be needed to reconstruct this decoration
object from the XML represenation.readExtraXML(Element)
public void readExtraXML(org.w3c.dom.Element decoratinInfo) throws java.io.IOException
class. This method is responsible
for retrieving any data that was written by addExtraXML(Document, Element)
except that properties written with SaveAndRestore.addProperty(Object, String, Document, Element)
are retrieved automatically.
The method in this top-level Decoration class does nothing.
In general, when a subclass overrides this method, it should be sure to call super.readExtraXML(decorationInfo).
- The <decoration> element from the XML file that contains the information about this
decoration. Some methods from the SaveAndRestore
class might be useful for getting the data.
- If an error is found, an exception of type IOException should be thrown.
This will abort the whole processing of the XML file.addExtraXML(Document, Element)