public class SaveAndRestore
Provides static methods for saving Exhibits and their associated Views to an XML file and for restoring an Exhbit and Views from such a file. (Methods in this class can also be used for encoding/decoding exhibits to XML Docment objects without ever writing them to a file.) There are also a few stating utility routines that can help programmers write Exhbit, View, and Decoration classes in a way that will work with this Save/Restore facility.
When Views and Exhibits are stored in XML format by this class their parameters
are saved automatically. Decorations whose classes are marked with a
are saved automatically. Property variables in Views, Exhibits, and
Decorations that are marked with a VMMSave
annotation are saved automatically.
Saving other data of a View, Exhibit, or Decoration class is the responsibility
of that class. Parameters, properties, and decorations are restored automatically when the file is read.
The Exhibit, View, and Decoration classes include an addExtraXML
method that can be overridden to
write any necessary extra data that is not saved automatically and a readExtraXML
method for restoring the data when the file is read.
Note that for property variables, only properties of certain types are supported by
these methods. For data other than supported properties, the programmer should write an XML representation
of the data in writeExtraXML
and should read this data in the readExtraXML
in the same class.
This class is meant to work with well-formed XML, but does not require valid XML (that is, there is no DTD or XML schema to specify the syntax).
Constructor Summary | |
Method Summary | |
static void |
addDecorationElement(org.w3c.dom.Document doc,
org.w3c.dom.Element parentElement,
Decoration dec)
Adds an XML element representing a Decoration to a specified parent element. |
static void |
addElement(org.w3c.dom.Document containingDocument,
org.w3c.dom.Element parentElement,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.Object value)
Adds a child element to a given parent containing a "value" attribute with a specified value. |
static void |
addProperties(java.lang.Object propertyOwner,
java.lang.String[] propertyNames,
org.w3c.dom.Document document,
org.w3c.dom.Element element)
This is a convenience method that just calls addProperty(Object, String, Document, Element) for
each name in the propertyNames array. |
static void |
addProperty(java.lang.Object propertyOwner,
java.lang.String propertyName,
org.w3c.dom.Document document,
org.w3c.dom.Element element)
Adds an XML Element represent a property of an object to an XML element that represents that object. |
static Transform |
buildTransformFromElement(org.w3c.dom.Element transformElement)
Create a Transform object form a <transform> element that describes the transform. |
static Exhibit |
convertXMLToExhibit(org.w3c.dom.Document exhibitDocument)
Constructs an Exhibit from its XML representation. |
static org.w3c.dom.Document |
exhibitToXML(Exhibit exhibit)
Constructs an XML representaion of an Exhibit and any views of that exhibit, as returned by the Exhibit.getViews() method. |
static org.w3c.dom.Document |
exhibitToXML(Exhibit exhibit,
View view)
Constructs an XML representaion of an Exhibit and a single view of that Exhibit. |
static org.w3c.dom.Document |
exhibitToXML(Exhibit exhibit,
View[] views)
Constructs an XML representaion of an Exhibit and possibly some Views of that Exhibit. |
static org.w3c.dom.Element |
getChildElement(org.w3c.dom.Element parent,
java.lang.String tagName)
Returns a child element of an element, based on the name of the child element. |
static java.lang.Object |
getChildElementValue(org.w3c.dom.Element parentElement,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.Class valueType)
Retrieves a value from a child element that was created with addElement(Document, Element, String, Object) |
static org.w3c.dom.Element |
makeTransformElement(java.lang.String nodeName,
org.w3c.dom.Document doc,
Transform transform)
Creates a transform element from a transform. |
static Exhibit |
readExhibitFromXML(java.io.File in)
Read an XML file containing a representation of an Exhibit and possibly some associated Views. |
static Exhibit |
readExhibitFromXML(java.io.InputStream in,
java.lang.String inputName)
Read the XML representation of an exhibit and possibly some associated views from an InputStream. |
static void |
readProperties(java.lang.Object owner,
org.w3c.dom.Element containingElement)
Reads all the <propety> elements inside a given element and restores the values of those properties into a specified object. |
static org.w3c.dom.Document |
readXMLDocument(java.io.File file)
Reads an XML file and produces a DOM Document tree from it. |
static org.w3c.dom.Document |
readXMLDocument(java.io.InputStream in,
java.lang.String inputName)
Reads XML from an input source and produces a DOM Document tree from it. |
static void |
writeXMLDocument(java.io.PrintWriter out,
org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
Writes a simple XML document to an output stream. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Constructor Detail |
public SaveAndRestore()
Method Detail |
public static Exhibit readExhibitFromXML(java.io.File in) throws java.io.IOException
method if the exhibit.
- the XML file from which the data is to be read
- throws IOException an error occurs while reading the file. This can include errors in XML syntax.public static Exhibit convertXMLToExhibit(org.w3c.dom.Document exhibitDocument)
method and similar mehtods in this class.
If the Document contains any Views, then the Exhibit is installed in each View. The list of
views can be obtained by calling the exhibit's Exhibit.getViews()
- if the Document is not a legal XML representation of an Exhibitpublic static Exhibit readExhibitFromXML(java.io.InputStream in, java.lang.String inputName) throws java.io.IOException
method if the exhibit.
- the input stream from which the XML data is to be readinputName
- the file (or other) name of the input stream, which is used only in error messages
- throws IOException an error occurs while reading the file. This can include errors in XML syntax.public static org.w3c.dom.Document readXMLDocument(java.io.File file) throws java.io.IOException
public static org.w3c.dom.Document readXMLDocument(java.io.InputStream in, java.lang.String inputName) throws java.io.IOException
public static org.w3c.dom.Document exhibitToXML(Exhibit exhibit, View view)
exhibitToXML(Exhibit, View[])
public static org.w3c.dom.Document exhibitToXML(Exhibit exhibit)
This is a convenience method that just calls exhibitToXML(Exhibit, View[])
public static org.w3c.dom.Document exhibitToXML(Exhibit exhibit, View[] views)
or convertXMLToExhibit(Document)
method in this class.
- The exhibit whose state is to be encoded.views
- View of the exhibit that should be encoded into the XML document. If this is null, no
views are encoded. Any view in this array must be capable of displaying the exhibit.public static void writeXMLDocument(java.io.PrintWriter out, org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
- The non-null output stream to which the document is to be written.doc
- The non-null XML documnent that is to be written.public static void addProperties(java.lang.Object propertyOwner, java.lang.String[] propertyNames, org.w3c.dom.Document document, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
addProperty(Object, String, Document, Element)
each name in the propertyNames array.
public static void addProperty(java.lang.Object propertyOwner, java.lang.String propertyName, org.w3c.dom.Document document, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
annotation, since such properites are
saved automatically.
The term "property" here refers to a JavaBean-style property with a "getXxxx()" and a
"setXxxx(value)" method, where xxxx is the name of the property. This method can be called, for
example, by an Exhibit, Decoration, or View to add properties to its XML representation.
(This would be done in Exhibit.addExtraXML(Document, Element)
and similar methods in
decoration and view classes.) This method can only handle properties of certain types:
any of the primitive types, String, Color, Point2D, Vector3D, double[], and any class that has a one-parameter
constructor with arguemnt of type String that can reconstruct an object from the string returned by
the toString() method of the object. (The conversion of value to string is actually done
by Util.toExternalString(Object)
- The non-null object whose property is to be encoded.propertyName
- The name of the property that is to be encoded.document
- The XML Document that contains the Element that is being created. This is provided
as a parameter because it is needed to create any child elements that are to be added to the element.element
- The element that is being constructed to represent the propertyOwner.
- if no such property is found in the propertyOwner object, or if any
other Exception occurs.readProperties(Object, Element)
public static void readProperties(java.lang.Object owner, org.w3c.dom.Element containingElement) throws java.io.IOException
addProperty(Object, String, Document, Element)
addProperties(Object, String[], Document, Element)
method. (In any case,
the format of the property elements must be the same as those produced by these
- The object whose properties are being restored.containingElement
- The element that contains the <property> elements. The
childer of this element are examined. Fore each child element whose tag name is
"propety", an attempt is made to call setter method in the owner object to set
the value of the property. If no setter method for the property exists, it is
not considered to be an error. (This allows new properties to be added
in future releases while still allowing old releases to read the settings files
that contain the newly added properties.)
- if a <property> element does not have a name and a value
attribute or if the value attribute cannot be converted to a value of the type
required by the setter method for the property.public static void addDecorationElement(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, org.w3c.dom.Element parentElement, Decoration dec)
annotation, since such decorations
are saved automatically, along with the View or Exhibit to which they have been added.
When the parent element represents a View or Exhibit, the decoration will automatically be
recreated and added to the recreated view or exhibit when the XML file is read. There
is no need for the Exhibit or View class itself to take any action restore the decoration.
This method would ordinarily be used in the addExtraXML
method of an Exhibit
or View class. Note however, that another possibility is to save other information (such
as a boolean property) that indicates the presense of the decoration.
- The non-null overall XML document that is being constructed.parentElement
- The non-null element to which the decoration element is to be added as a child.dec
- The non-null decoration that is to be encoded into XML and added to the parent element in
the XML document.public static void addElement(org.w3c.dom.Document containingDocument, org.w3c.dom.Element parentElement, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
getChildElementValue(Element, String, Class)
- The document containing the parent element.parentElement
- The element to which the child is to be added.name
- The name of the child element.value
- The value of the "value" element. Major types such as Double, Float, Integer,
String, Color, Vector3D, double[] are supported. The conversion of value-to-string is done
using Util.toExternalString(Object)
.public static java.lang.Object getChildElementValue(org.w3c.dom.Element parentElement, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class valueType)
addElement(Document, Element, String, Object)
- The element to which the child element was added.name
- The name of the child element.valueType
- The type of value expected.
public static org.w3c.dom.Element makeTransformElement(java.lang.String nodeName, org.w3c.dom.Document doc, Transform transform)
- the name of the element that will be createddoc
- the Document that will contain the transform element.transform
- the non-null transform
public static Transform buildTransformFromElement(org.w3c.dom.Element transformElement) throws java.io.IOException
public static org.w3c.dom.Element getChildElement(org.w3c.dom.Element parent, java.lang.String tagName)
- the element that might contain the child elementtagName
- the name of the desired child element