Package vmm.planecurve.parametric

Class Summary
ArchimedeanSpiral Defines a parametric Archimedean Spiral curve.
Catenary Defines a parametric Catenary .
Circle A circle, given as a parametric plane curve.
Cissoid Defines a parametric Cissoid .
Conchoid Defines a parametric Conchoid of Nicomedes .
ConicSection A common base class for Elippse, Parabola, and Hyperbola, to show foci and "directrix" during morphing and extra stuff during the creation animation.
Convex Defines parametric Epi- and Hypo- Cycloids.
DecoratedCurve.MMOView A trivial subclass of PlaneCurveParametricView that is needed to get the desired color effects during the create animation.
Deltoid Defines parametric Deltoid.
Ellipse An ellipse, represented as a parametric plane curve.
Epizykloide Defines parametric Epi- and Hypo- Cycloids.
Folium Defines a parametric Folium curve.
Hyperbola A hyperbola given by parametric equations (a*cosh(t),b*sinh(t)).
Limacon Defines parametric Limacon.
Lissajous Defines a Lissajous curve as a parametric plane curve.
Logarithmicspiral Defines a parametric Logarithmic Spiral.
Nephroid Defines a parametric Nephroid .
NephroidOfFreeth Defines a parametric Nephroid Of Freeth .
NormalBundleDecoration A decoration that computes normal lines to points on a ParametricPlaneCurve and that can also show osculating circles, the evolute of the curve, and one or two parallel curves.
OsculatingCircleAnimation Shows an osculating circle moving along a PlaneCurveParametric.
Parabola A parabola with a focus on the x-axis.
ParallelCurveAnimation Shows a moving set of parallel curves to a PlaneCurveParametric curve.
PlaneCurveParametric A curve in the plane that is defined by differentiable functions x(t) and y(t).
PlaneCurveParametric.PlaneCurveParametricView Defines the default View of a PlaneCurveParametric.
SineCurve Defines a sine curve as a parametric plane curve.
TangentAndNormalDecoration A decoration that appears as a red tangent line and a blue normal line on a parametric plane curve at a specified value of t.
Tractrix Defines a parametric Tractrix .
UserPlaneCurveParametric A plane curve defined by parametric functions (x(t),y(t)), where the functions and other data for the exhibit are entered by the user.
UserPlaneCurveParametricKappa A plane curve c(s) = (x(s),y(s)) is defined by its curvature function kappa(s).
UserPlaneCurveParametricPolar A plane curve defined by polar parametric functions (rho(t),theta(t)), where the functions and other data for the exhibit are entered by the user.
Zykloide Defines a parametric Cycloid.